Friday, October 12, 2012

(creative @dobronski waxes poetic on) Brevity

CD Doug Brown's one-sentence post about brevity
I've now exceeded his length by one sentence (edited out a picture though) but I'll leave it at that bc we could likely all use a bit of a breather heading into the weekend...

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Books you can borrow...


I'm giving away comic books.
It's something I've never done in my life which is testament to the kind of pack rat I am. We could use the space though. Dana will be pleased I think.

If you'd like to borrow these, I'm donating them to my local library (Richmond Brighouse location) so if all goes well, you'll be able to sign them out there in the very near future. I'm posting the photo largely for my own reference: my memory is so shot sometimes these days, I'm quite sure I'll be looking for one of these on our shelf pretty soon and wondering why I'm not finding it.

Friday, August 10, 2012

posterousfolio: that gut feeling we have

RiceTalesBrochure_Final.pdf Download this file

I wish we could have said we sampled lots of product to get here.
I know I had a nice feeling of satisfaction when we got through this anyway, though.

Art Director / coCreative Director: David Yu

Friday, July 27, 2012

Twitter-Owned Posterous Loses Databases, Suffers 17-Hour Outage


My website was down for 17.5 hrs.
Since it was a Sunday, I'm assuming both my followers had better things to do.
I was in fact camping with the family and hope you were doing something similarly offline-y and Sunday-y.
The gruesome details are at:

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Where’s the workplace love (aka A Book (P)Review - @DrPaulWhite


Why do companies lose people?
In a recent online presentation, Dr. Paul White cited research indicating that for 78 or 79% of people who quit a company, “lack of appreciation” is a top reason. An off-the-top-of-your-head think would probably lead you to one conclusion he presented: among companies that don’t appreciate, many have some kind of appreciation program, like an employee-of-the-month or “Dundies” or that ilk. It’s just not perceived as genuine appreciative so, ironically, it’s not so appreciated.

Dr. White offers four (4) handy hints for workplace appreciation. People feel appreciated IF:
1 it’s communicated regularly
2 it’s expressed in language relevant to the recipient
3 it’s individualized and delivered personally (i.e. not just a giftcard, but one the recipient would enjoy using)
4 it’s viewed as authentic

Dr. Paul White is the co-author The 5 Languages of Appreciation In The Workplace with Dr. Gary Chapman and presented these 5 languages*:
1 Words of Affirmation
2 Acts of Service
3 Tangible Gifts
4 Quality Time
5 Physical Touch
*not totally sure if there’s a preferred order, this was kind of reading it from the Appreciation At Work website.

If these sound familiar, it’s because Appreciation At Work is co-authored by Gary Chapman, the guy who brought us the 5 Love Languages (slightly different: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch).

A friend of mine suggested that you get the main idea of the 5 Love Languages by just knowing what the 5 Languages are. I actually read that book but tend to agree. And I’d hazard a guess that the 5 Languages of Workplace Appreciation are likely in the same boat.

The main takeaway of the whole idea, to me, is simply to give appreciation some thought when you do it, if it’s what you do. Multiplied over however many people you’re dealing with, or with staff very different from you (think introvert vs extrovert), and it can be hard work. Like love is. And like love, any given moment might not seem like it pays off, but we trust it does in the long run. There’s likely a lesson about appreciation (aka love) there beyond just the workplace.

Oh, I came across these cute freebie office tools on the book website too...

Friday, May 11, 2012

Late TV comment: #ThankGrimmItsFriday #FridayFridayFriday #Grimm #TGIF

Dana and I really like this show. It's a highlight of our new reality where we don't get out much on any night, much less a Friday.

Grimm was one of two fairy-tale-based dramas this season and rumour has it it's coming back next season. On TV last week they popped up the line "Thank Grimm It's Friday" and it cracked us up. Check out the show (google Grimm if you need to know anything beforehand) and it might crack you up too.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Posterousfolio: a website solution for finding solutions

I wrote the content for this website, including the concept for the little flash animation intro.
Was an interesting exercise to find a solution for a solution-finder...

Art Direction: David Yu
Flash Development: Cody Nicol